So back when I did my very first race this year, the
Waterfront Trail, my friend Ryan was supposed to run it with me. Unfortunately,
God love her, Ryan’s grandmother passed away the day before. Disappointed that
she didn’t get to do the race I told her to pick another and we’d do it. Ryan
chose the Saucony Trek or Treat Night Trail Race.
My training the week before the Trek or Treat was a bit
spotty so I was nervous. During Saturday’s
run I ended up getting a cramp after 4.5k and had to come in early. I know
that I didn’t eat much nor drink a lot the day before so I’m thinking that was
the problem. I have been very careful with my water intake since then. Sunday I
ran with the dog. While I love running with Gordie, he stops for far more poos
and pees than a person would. He also likes to stop and say hello to anyone
else out there....not something that I do much. Tuesday I went out and killed
5.5k at an average pace of 5:29! I’ve never been able to get my average below
5:33 so I was super excited. Unfortunately with the crap weather we’ve had this
week that was it for my prerace training. Let’s hope it’s good enough and that
I’ve figured out what is causing my cramps, the very thing that doomed me in
the Waterfront Trail.
Ryan and I arrive at St Volodymyr Cultural Centre and it’s
crazy. Cars everywhere, decorations, people running all over the place in
costumes, it’s totally nuts. We even see some guy in a big Pikachu costume! Not
sure how he plans on running in that, but I’ll tell you one thing- I’d better
beat him! With this being Ryan’s first race, and my third, I lead the way. LOL
Up to the table we went to get our bibs (they were Halloween themed), and then
over to the chip station, and then over to the....wait a minute! No goodie
bags?! What kind of cheap ass race has no goodie bags? Oh wait, there’s the
t-shirt table.....oh.....only the first 200 registrants get a t-shirt, but if
you’d like one it’s only $15. Seeing as I’m coveting race t-shirts I fork over
the cash and stuff it into my pocket. Off to the starting line we go. I am
hoping to see some kind of bag/coat check on my way out there. Due to the 8*
temp I wore my vest, but obviously don’t want to run in it. Guess what? Along
with no goodie bags there’s no coat check. This could be a problem because I
really overheat while running. Oh well, not much I can do now. At the start
line we put on our sexy headlamps and get ready for the gun.

And here we
go........wait. There’s some sort of technical error, false start. Ok, here we
go for real this time. The beginning of the race is very bunched up because
there’s not a lot of room on the single lane road, but after about 500m we lose
the dead weight and fall into our pace. I quickly realize that my stupid sexy headlight
isn’t tight enough because it keeps slipping down. It seems every 10 steps or
so I have to readjust it. This is going to get old fast! Somewhere around 2k I
lose Ryan and focus on passing all of the angels, cheerleaders and super heros
ahead of me who’s costumes are slowing them down. All of a sudden my phone
starts ringing! WHAT?! Who is calling me right now? I let it go to voice mail
and carry on. I pass the water station, grab a cup, accidentally spill it all over myself
and keep going. Around 3k my legs start feeling heavy. EEK! I feel like I’m
slowing down, but my RunStar app is telling me that I’m keeping the same pace
so it’s ok. I am really regretting this vest now too because I am SO HOT! The
sweat is pouring off of me. Fortunately the headband for this stupid sexy light
is collecting it all. The course is a bit hillier than I had planned; they said
that it was flat, but it’s not that much unlike the trail that I run through
Sherwood Park on so I’m ok. I plod along on my heavy legs, sweating and
adjusting and then look UP and realize at the top of this hill is
the finish line! YES! I can see illumination from a headlight behind me so I
put my head down and run for all I am worth. This person is NOT passing me on
the home stretch. And it had better not be Pikachu! I blast through the finish
line (with my phone ringing again! WHAT?!) at a clock time of 26:46, give up my
chip and wait for Ryan. She comes in not far behind me at a clock time of 27:48.
We walk it off for a little bit and look around for water and see that there
isn’t any. It must be inside.......nope. They are serving coffee and hot
chocolate to wash down your complimentary slice of pizza (no thanks). WTH? I
know that it’s cold outside, but who wants a coffee right after they run. I’m
realizing that this race is totally ghetto and won’t be doing it again next
year. All in all, I’m happy with my performance and Ryan says that she wants to
do another race, so apart from all of the things that this race didn’t have it
did give us the taste of competition and sense of accomplishment that we were
seeking so at the end of the day not a total waste.
Next up....Resolution Run on New Year’s Eve with my running
mentor Sarah!
Oh, and if you’re wondering, it was Noah calling to see if
he could sleep over at his friends house. Did I mention he also called in the
middle of the Run for the Cure? Kids!
Our Full Results
Sam: Place52/299 Clock
Time26:46 Class Placing(40-49F) 5/64
Gender Place25 Average Pace5:22
Ryan: Place67/299 Clock
Time27:48 Class Placing(30-39F)11/76 Gender Place33 Average Pace5:34
These two pictures are ripped off from the official photographers website. I thought the bottom one was cool with all the headlamps.