So as I sit here going through the motions of a winter lost to injury I realize that things could be worse. I'm still able to remain active while others aren't, so for that I am happy. I've had to put my Ottawa Marathon bib on the marketplace because I'm just not going to be able to run it. It'll be an amazing experience but do I really want to go through the hurt of running 42.2 untrained kilometers just for an amazing medal and atmosphere? No. I don't. I would much rather allow my foot to heal and take back my Sulphur Springs registration that I gave to Nicole (sorry for reneging!). I'm a firm believer in things happening for a reason and right from the start I don't think that I was supposed to run a spring marathon. Things have been against me since December, with the wedding (that we're not even going to anymore because our sons aren't invited - crazy!), the strained posterior tibial tendon, the plantar fasciitis, the WEATHER, the 10 day stomach flu and now a "pre-stress fracture" as Dr Elliot called it. My chiro, Kevin explained things a lot better to me than Dr E did. He told me that when we land on our feet, they splay to create shock absorption. By wearing the Feetures Plantar Fasciitis sleeve that was too tight at the top of my foot it hindered it from splaying, therefore there was no shock absorption so truly it was just a matter of time before I got hurt. At least I got to run Around the Bay with Amy & Richard (which I still haven't gotten around to writing about) before this happened. I had a really fun morning with them, well, as fun as running 30km of hills on a foot that's getting ready to crack can be. In the meantime, I've been having fun hitting the pool with Mari and really want to get my endurance back up in my swimming. The first time that I went with her I had to take a break every 25m and now I can do 50-100m before I need to stop to let my heart rate come down. I'm also still doing spin, and I'm going to get Derek to haul my bike down from the rafters of the garage for me so I can get on that as well. So as you see, all things are not lost. I still get jealous when I see random runners out there but as long as I'm keeping my cardio up as my foot heals I'll be back out there in no time. And just in time for skirt season. Yay!
Nicole. Where's your skirt?! |