Good ol' Valentine's Day. Happy happy if you celebrate. This year my husband got me the best gift ever. He is going away for the weekend and leaving late this afternoon so I get the whole bed to myself for three nights! Yes! Sure Gordie sleeps in the bed with me too but he doesn't snore in my face, steal the covers or insist on falling asleep with the tv on! Too bad that by the time I am able to fall into bed tonight I will probably sleep like a rock and not even notice the extra space. I worked until midnight last night and then got up shortly after 4:30 am this morning so that I could meet up with Patty at 5:30am to run hill repeats. Unfortunately there will be no time for napping this afternoon between jobs because Derek needs to be picked up from work at 3pm so that he can meet up with his cousin and give me my VDay gift, er I mean leave for his weekend away. Kyle has a hockey game in Georgetown after school so we gave him the car seeing as no one will be around to pick him up when the bus gets back around 6pm. The things you do for your kids! Speaking of which, did I mention that Kyle got early acceptance to the University of Ottawa for the fall? Yay! No matter what he'll be going somewhere in September. Talk about a huge weight off of his shoulders. Still waiting to hear from the other three schools that he's applied to but that'll still be a few weeks yet. *Fingers crossed*
My training for the Mississauga Marathon has been going well (we're in week 5 already!!) and my calf strain is healing nicely. I'm hoping to get the ok tomorrow to start body weight exercises on it. Um, please don't tell them that I have been doing a few body weight exercises on it already.Not many, but enough to make me go "Oops" and not be able to look the Dr in the eye when she told me. On Saturday we plan to start doing our long runs on the Around the Bay route so I'm looking forward to that. My story may change come Saturday afternoon, I'll let you know. The latest that I've ever hit the Valley Inn hill on a run has been after about 17k so we'll see how I feel after 20kish this week. Our planned LSD is 16 miles this weekend. Hopefully it's nicer than last Saturdays 10 miles that we ran right after a snow storm. Hardly anything was plowed and we had to keep changing the route up to accommodate. Oh well, it'll just make us stronger runners right? Right?! ......
Running after the snowstorm last weekend. |